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CryptoCoin trading involves buying and selling crypto currencies to profit from price movements.

We are trading crypto coins since 2020.

We accept outside funds for trading since May, 2021.

First version was simple weekly plan that evenly shares previous weeks' profits. More details here.
During crypto winter that first strategy had multiple setbacks. Leasons have been learned.

Latest plan uses sophisticated system that account for all realistic trading situations.

Crypto Daily Plan: (launched September 23, 2024)

Deposit: $10 - $5000

Profit: up to 1% per day.

Minimum term: 180 days.

Reinvestment: Off (manual) or Automatic.

Example: Your funds from $1000 deposit.
Day Reinvest Off Reinvest 50% Reinvest 100%
1 $1002 ~0.2% $1002 ~0.2% $1002 ~0.2%
180 $1700 ~0.6% $2100 ~0.7% $2500 ~0.8%
365 $3400 ~1.0% $5600 ~2.2% $7200 ~2.8%
730 $7100 ~1.0% $19000 ~4.0% $30000 ~7.0%

This plan is designed to work under all trading conditions.

Income distribution is based on latest real life proportion between profit and loses.
We aim to ensure that trading capital and profit will increase exponentially.

Profit is automatically credited every day by distributing portion of latest earnings.

Generally it works like this:
We keep track on multiple crypto coins.
Sometimes we complete multiple trades per day. But that does not happen every day 7 days a week.
When prices are falling, we will wait for the right time to buy.
And we often have to wait days to sell at optimal profit.

When trading generates profit:
First we covers operating cost, your profit is set aside in fiat currency or stablecoin,
and portion of earnings go to increase trading capital.

When trading sustains loses, everyones' trading capital is proportionally reduced.
Account balances are covered by fiat funds and can be paid out at any time.

Profits and loses are calculated for each deposit seperately.
Your profit will gradually increase (maxing out at 1% daily but you can exceed 1% by reinvesting).
Likewise some possible loses, that we may sustain during some maket crash, will not drag down profits for deposits that are made after such event.

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Deposit must be assigned to password protected account. Already have account? Login Here.
If you wish to first join and explore members area, please Join Here.

Fill out this form to create new account and make deposit:
Your Name:
Your Username:
maximum 20 characters
Your e-mail:
Your Password:
Repeat Password:
Password recovery: system sends email upon request
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